Goji and TCM

Supplements and Herbs

 Vitamins & Supplements / Supplements & Herbs: How Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Can Support Your Health

Nowadays, dietary supplements are a popular way to improve health and replenish vitamin deficiencies. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers an alternative, holistic approach to supporting health – mainly through the use of herbs, acupressure and energy harmonizing techniques. Rather than focusing on individual vitamins or minerals, TCM aims to restore the body's energy balance and prevent disease.

How Does TCM Approach Supplementation?

In TCM, supplementation mainly involves the use of herbs that strengthen Qi energy, support internal organs and improve blood circulation. These herbs work on the entire body, improving its immunity, concentration and energy levels, and also help fight chronic fatigue and stress. Unlike classic supplements, TCM herbs are often used in the form of mixtures that harmonize the effects of different ingredients.

TCM Supplements and Herbs to Strengthen Your Body and Mind

1. TCM Herbs

Herbs used in TCM are valued for their strengthening, toning, and balancing effects. Here are some of the most popular herbs that can support health:

Ren Shen (Ginseng) – one of the most important herbs in TCM, strengthens Qi, adds energy, improves concentration and increases the body's endurance.

Dang Gui (Chinese Angelica) – called “female ginseng”, strengthens the blood and supports a healthy circulatory system, often used for fatigue and weakness.

Goji (Lycium Barbarum) – rich in antioxidants, strengthens the liver, improves eyesight and overall vitality.

Huang Qi (Astragalus) – strengthens immunity, improves Qi circulation and helps with fatigue and general weakness of the body.

Simple TCM Recipe: Tonic Goji and Ginseng Tea

Ingredients :

5 g Goji (goji berries)

2g dried Ren Shen (ginseng root)

500 ml water

Preparation :

Boil water and add ginseng and goji berries.

Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

Strain and drink the tea in the morning or afternoon.

This tonic tea supports Qi energy, adds vitality and improves immunity.

2. Acupressure for Energy Boost and Relaxation

Acupressure is an easy-to-use at-home way to boost energy, relieve tension, and improve circulation. Here are three acupressure points to massage to improve your overall well-being:

Zu San Li Point (ST-36) – located on the leg, 3 fingers below the knee, improves Qi circulation, strengthens immunity and adds energy.

Hegu Point (LI-4) – located between the thumb and index finger, helps relieve stress, fatigue and supports the functioning of the entire body.

Tai Chong Point (LV-3) – on the top of the foot between the first and second toes, used to release tension and improve the flow of Qi.

Massage each point gently for 1-2 minutes, applying light pressure until you feel relaxation.


Traditional Chinese Medicine offers a wide range of natural ways to support health and well-being. Herbs such as ginseng, goji and dong quai are rich in nutrients that work throughout the body, strengthening and harmonizing it. Acupressure and herbal teas are simple ways to supplement your daily diet while maintaining energy balance, which contributes to long-term health and immunity.

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