Goji and TCM


 Teething: How Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Can Help Babies Teething

Teething is a process that every baby goes through, and many parents are familiar with the challenges that come with it: pain, anxiety, drooling, and sleep problems. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers natural ways to ease the symptoms of teething, helping children go through the process more peacefully. TCM uses herbal medicine and acupressure to reduce discomfort, providing a gentle alternative to traditional methods.

How Does TCM Explain Teething?

In TCM, teething is sometimes seen as a process related to excess heat in the infant's body, particularly in the stomach and intestines. This excess heat can manifest itself through inflammation, drooling, irritability, and digestive problems that often accompany teething. Traditional Chinese Medicine seeks to balance Yin and Yang energies and calm excess Yang energy, which brings relief to the baby.

Teething Treatment Methods According to TCM

1. Herbal Medicine

Herbs in TCM help relieve pain, calm, and quiet excess heat in the body. Here are some herbs that can help with teething:

Bai Shao (White Peony) – has calming and anti-inflammatory properties which help relieve pain.

Chamomilla Recutita (Chamomile) – used in TCM to calm and relieve symptoms associated with pain and tension.

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan – This is a blend of herbs that helps with overall heat balancing and supports oral health.

Simple Herbal Recipe for Teething

Chamomile and White Peony Tea

Ingredients :

1 g Bai Shao (White Peony)

1 g dried chamomile

100 ml warm water

Preparation : Pour warm water over the ingredients, brew for 5 minutes. Let cool and give your child a small amount of tea to soothe the gums.

Chamomile and white peony tea soothes inflammation and gently calms the child, helping him get through this difficult period.

2. Acupressure

Acupressure is a gentle way to relieve pain and anxiety that can be easily applied to infants. Here are two points to gently massage:

He Gu Point (LI-4) – located on the back of the hand, between the thumb and index finger; massaging this point can relieve gum pain and calm a child.

Tai Chong Point (LV-3) – Located on the top of the foot between the first and second toes. Massage of this point helps reduce heat and inflammation in the body.

Gently massage these points for 1-2 minutes using your fingertip to help your baby relax and relieve discomfort.


Traditional Chinese Medicine offers gentle, natural methods that can help babies through the teething process. Using anti-inflammatory and soothing herbs, as well as gentle acupressure, TCM can help soothe sore gums, reduce excess heat, and calm your baby. Using TCM can be a safe, natural way to support your baby’s health during this special time.

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Here you will find new information about Teething and ways of treatment with TCM
